Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pop-corn sale on Friday (09/14/2012)

Hi, dear parents!
This Friday we will start our fundrasing. I'll need 2 volunteers for pop-corn sale in our school. At 1.10 pm I'll be wating the volonteers near the vending machine. Our task is prepare the pop-corn, fill in the order-baskets for K-3 grades (grades). The pop-corn sale starts after the 8th period (at 2.40 pm) and ends about 3.20 pm.
Also I suggest to sell small bottled water(2 boxes), juice box/pouch(2 boxes), Gatorade (small bottels - PTO said that Gatorade is very popular among students - 3 boxes), "Doritos" (24 small bags) and pikcells (2 big jars). Thus we need volonteers to bring snack and drinks at school on Thursday. You can call me or text me what time will work for you. I am not sure about money. You can choose:
1) somebody  will buy everything, give me the check and I'll give his\her money back after the pop-corn sale;
2) Parents will share the purchases ( for examle, one parent will buy pikcells, another - chips, and etc.) and donate snack;
3) Your variant....
I know, us only nine (with me), and everybody has their jobs. It will be easier for us to cooperate, if all parents participate and I'll participate too. You already know my email and cell phone. I advice to create a   phone numbers google document, so all parents can easier connect with each other. If you agree to paste your number in this document (I'll send it to everybody) please leave a comment.
I must know who will be the volonteers for the pop-corn sale and what you decide about money before Wednesday (09/12/2012). Also we need to decide who will be the head of our small organization. I'll handle all questions about field trip organization, including visa question, but I need the parent who will constantly in touch with others, help me to organize all our future sales.
And I have another question for you: who will keep our fundraising money befor the trip? Any volonteers? We can vote.
Please leave the comment or send me email, if you decide to volunteer on pop-corn sale, buy snack or be the Head of our organization. 
P.S. We do not need  buy a pop-corn.

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