Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Russian Olympiad

Great news everybody!
Russian language Olympiad is coming!
Where: UT, Austin, TX
When: April, 6
Who: you!
It's a great opportunity for you to meet students (from all Texas) who also chooses to learn Russian. You  will see you are not alone! There were about 100 students who came to Austin to participate in this great event. Three students (who took 1st, 2d, and 3d place) went to New Yourk City to present Texas on International Russian as a Forign Language Olympiad.
If you want to sign up for the Olympiad, please feel free to come to room 207 @ 2.45 pm on January, 23.
We will practice a lot to be ready for the Olympiad. Be ready to work hard, stay after school, and come earlier (for 0 period).
And remember: you build your future right now!

Monday, January 14, 2013

If you missed a day...

During this week we learn the Russian verbs. If you missed the lesson or lost your worksheet, go to this link and study the lesson # 3. Review the new vocabulary and exercises  9 - 12.

Our class

It's fun to learn the foreign language!Here some photos from our class:

New vocabulary

Dear студенты!
During these шесть weeks (c 8/1/3013 до 22/2/2013) we will use этот словарь:
А – and, but
Администра́тор – administrator, manager
Актёр – actor
Актри́са – actress
Аналити́ческий – analytical
Архите́ктор – architect
Аудито́рия – audience
Ба́бушка – grandmother
Ба́за – base
Бале́т – ballet
Бар – bar
Биле́т – ticket
Би́ржа – stock exchange
Большо́й – big
Босс – boss
Брат – brother
Бутербро́д – sandwich
Бухга́лтер – accountant
Бюро́ – bureau
В – in
Ве́чер – evening
Вечери́нка – party
Вме́сте – together
Вода́ – water
Вокза́л – train station
Восто́к – east
Врач – doctor
Вре́мя – time
Все – all, everything
Встре́ча – meeting
Вход – entrance
Вы – you
Газе́та – newspaper
Где – where
Говори́ть – to speak
Го́род – city, town
Да – yes
Дава́й – let's
Данти́ст – dentist
Дверь – door
Де́вушка – girl
Де́душка – grandfather
Де́лать – to do
Де́ло – business
День – day
Де́ньги – money
Джи́нсы – jeans
Диза́йнер – designer
Дире́ктор – director, general manager
До свида́ния – good bye
До́брый – kind, good
До́ктор – doctor
Докуме́нт – document
Дом – house, home
Домохозя́йка – housewife
Дочь – daughter
Друг – friend
Душа́ – soul
Дя́дя – uncle
Есть – 1. to be (construction Тут есть парк = There is a park here), 2. to have (construction У меня есть собака = I have a dog)
Жена́ – wife
Журна́л – magazine
Журнали́ст – journalist
Журнали́стка – journalist
За́пад – west
Здесь – here
Здра́вствуйте – hello, formal greeting
Знать – to know
И – and
Из – from
Извини́те – excuse me; I'm sorry
И́ндекс – postal code; index
Инспе́ктор – inspector
Инспе́кция – inspection
Инстру́ктор – instructor
Интере́сно – interesting (adverb)
Интерне́т – Internet
Йо́гурт – yogurt
Ка́ждый – every, each
Казино́ – casino
Как – how
Кана́л – canal, channel
Ка́рта – 1. map (Карта мира = world map); 2. card (Кредитная карта = credit card)
Кафе́ – café
Ка́чественный – quality (adjective)
Кино́ – movie
Кинотеа́тр – movie theater
Клие́нт – client
Клуб – club
Кни́га – book
Когда́ – when
Колле́га – collegue
Ко́мната – room
Компа́ния – company
Компью́тер – computer
Компью́терный – computer (adj.)
Конду́ктор – conductor, trainman
Конце́рт – concert, show
Копи́р – copier
Кот – cat
Ко́фе – coffee
Крокоди́л – crocodile
Кто – who
Ла́мпа – lamp
Ле́кция – lecture
Лимо́н – lemon
Магази́н – shop
Ма́ма – mother
Ме́неджер – manager
Метро́ – subway, underground, tube
Мно́го – many, much
Мой – my
Мо́ре – sea
Муж – husband
Музе́й – museum
Му́зыка – music, tune
Мы – we
На – on, at
Не – not
Нет – no
Но – but
Но́вость(-и) – news
Но́вый – new
Норма́льно – ok, normal
Ночь – night
Обе́дать – to have dinner/lunch
Обы́чно – usually
Он – he
Она́ – she
Они́ – they
Оно́ – it
О́пера – opera
О́стров – island
Отдыха́ть/отдохнуть – to rest, to holiday
Оте́ль – hotel
Отку́да – where from
О́фис – office
О́чень – very, very much
Очки́ – glasses
Па́па – papa, father
Па́пка – folder
Парк – park
Паро́ль – password
Партнёр – partner
Пенсионе́р – retired, pensioner
Перспекти́ва – perspective, outlook
Пи́во – beer
Пить – to drink
План – plan
Пока́ – bye! (informal)
Показа́ть (покажи́) – to show (show me)
Поли́тик – politican
Понима́ть – to understand
По́чта – postal service; mail
Преподава́тель – teacher
Приве́т – hello (informal)
При́нтер – printer
Прия́тно – pleasure, pleasant
Пробле́ма – problem
Программи́ст – programmer
Прое́кт – project
Пси́хика – psyche
Рабо́та – work, job
Рабо́тать – to work
Ра́дио – radio
Рассказа́ть (расскажи́) – to tell (tell me)
Ребёнок – child
Реда́ктор – editor
Роди́тель – parent
Рок – rock (music)
Ру́сский – Russian
Ру́чка – pen
Сайт – (web)site
Са́хар – sugar
Се́вер – north
Сейча́с – now
Секрета́рь – secretary
Семья́ – family
Сериа́л – TV series
Сестра́ – sister
Систе́ма – system
Скайп – Skype
Ска́нер – scanner
Ско́лько – how many/how much
Слова́рь – dictionary, vocabulary
Слу́шать – to listen
Смотре́ть – to look, to watch
Соба́ка – dog
Спаси́бо – thank you
Спать – to sleep
Спелео́лог – speleologist
Спорт – sport
Спорти́вный – sport, sporty
Спортсме́н – sportsman
Спортсме́нка – sportswoman
Стадио́н – stadium
Стажёр – intern
Статья́ – article
Стол – desk, table
Страна́ – country
Стул – chair
Су́мка – bag
Сын – son
Так – so
Там – there
Теа́тр – theater
Текст – text
Телеви́зор – TV set
Телефо́н – telephone
Тётя – aunt
То́же – also
То́лько – only
Ты – you
У – at
У́лица – street
У́тро – morning
Факс – fax
Фило́лог – philologist
Фи́рма – firm, company
Фо́то – photo
Футбо́л – football
Хоро́ший – good, fine, nice
Хорошо́ – ok, good, well
Центр – center
Чай – tea
Час – hour
Ча́сто – often
Часы́ – clock, watch
Чей (чья, чьё, чьи) – whose
Чита́ть – to read
Что – what
Чуть-чуть – a little bit
Шко́ла – school
Шу́тка – joke
Экономи́ст – economist
Экра́н – screen
Это – it
Юг – south
Юри́ст – lawyer
Я – I
Here is a link for the print version of the vocabulary:
 This week (14/1/2013 - 18/1/2013) we are going
 through letters А, Б, В. 

Здравствуйте, студеты!
If you, somehow, forget our classroom rules and procedures, here you can read them again. Happy reading!

Classroom rules:

•1. Students are to bring all required materials and supplies to class each day.
•2. Students are to be in their seats, quiet, and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
•3. Students are to follow directions the first time they are given.
•4. Students are to raise their hand to be recognized before speaking.
•5. Students are to remain in their seats unless given permission to get up.
•6. Students should not eat, drink, or chew gum in the classroom. 

Disciplinary Procedures 

•1st offence- Warning
•2nd offence- Parent Notification
•3rd offence- Detention
•4th offence- Referral to the office
This procedure may be altered according to the severity of the offence!!!!
•1. Praise
•2. Parent contact
•3. Nomination for student of the month award
•4. Homework passes
Entering and Exiting Class
Entering Class
A.After entering the room, students may not leave without permission.
B. Students may not leave books and materials outside the classroom for any reason
C. Upon entering, students should go to their assigned seats and prepare for class.
D. Begin working on the Warm up
Exiting Class
A.The teacher will dismiss the class Not The Bell.
B. Do not pack books to exit class until instructed to do so by the teacher.
C. Students will be dismissed by rows.
 Students are responsible for cleaning the area around their desks before leaving the room.
Pencil Sharpening and Trash
Pencil Sharpening
a.Students are to sharpen pencils upon entering the classroom
b.If your lead breaks during class and if your have no other writing utensil, raise your hand and wait for further instructions.
a.Trash will be thrown away when your are dismissed from class.  Keep it at your desk until you are dismissed.
b.Pick up all paper around your desk before leaving the room.

Thanks for your attention!!

Welcome back!

Dear students and parents!

It's hard to believe but the Winter break is over. Welcome back! 
There's a lot of excitement ahead of us, including new topics to discuss, new books to read, new friends to meet and new skills to master...and I look forward to you sharing in those exciting times. This semester we will have a lot of exciting events too. The Language Olympiad, the Russian Olympiad, The Multicultural Day, students and professors from the UT Russian Department will visit the Russian class to share with our students the importance of learning the Foreign Language and what opportunities does Russian language can give in your future. 
I look forward to seeing you in the very near future!
С уважением, Юлия Александровна.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Next sale (Thurstay, 09/20/2012)

Dear all!
On Thursday we'll organize the ice cream sale. It will be on the back school yard after the 8th period. To set up the sale we need 4 volonteers. One is Mr. Vela. He will bring the ice corn machine. I'll buy the corns for the ice cream. I wanna sell Popsicles too. Thus we need somebody who will buy them and bring to school on Thursday morning. I think 60 Popsicles will be enough. Also we will sell the leftovers from the pop-corn sale. I have several bottels of Gatoride, one box of juice, 5 packages of chips and the whole bunch of water. If you can bring more juice, chips or Gatoreade I'll really appreciate it.
If can participate in the ice cream sale, please let me know before Tuesday afternoon (leave a comment or send me email).
On Thursday I have the 8th period, so you will start seting up the sale without me. I have the 7th period off and I'll help you to find a table, extension (for the ice cream machine), and bring all snacks which I have. I'll be waiting you outside at 1.30 pm. Below I paste the advertising for the ice cream sale. I'll send this flyer to students and parents with the Wednesday mail.
Thank you for you support!
Ms. Kozlova

Hooray! Ice-cream sale!

Only this Thursday you have a chance to enjoy the yummy ice cream corn help Russian HSE class
to go to Russia!!!

Ice cream corn – 1 $

Popsicle - 50 Ȼ

Small bottled water or
juice box/pouch – 50 Ȼ

Chips – 1 $

Gatorade– 1 $

Where: back schoolyard
When: after the 8th period

Every penny counts!